Can Dalí’s watches melt into music? Can Escher’s impossible perspectives and astonishing metamorphoses translate into sound? Can Brâncuși’s Endless Column be knocked down on the keyboard? To all these questions, Ligeti’s answer is: YES!, as the composer deeply anchored his oeuvre in the realm of the visual arts. The present edition of the Festival celebrates, in his homeland, György Ligeti’s 100th birthday and reflects, in a series of events that bring together music, fine arts, and film, the composer´s aesthetic passions beyond the confines of music. My heartfelt gratitude goes to all our partners, collaborators, amazing artists and scholars who made this tribute possible, as well as to the fantastic, small yet tireless organizing team, all of whom added, as in a pointillist painting, their contribution to outlining Ligeti’s artistic portrait. Bianca Țiplea Temeș Artistic Director
Conferință Internațională de Muzicologie
Composer in residence
Expoziție de facsimile ligetiene
Expoziție de artă plastică inspirată de muzica lui Ligeti
Masterclass de iconografie muzicală
Proiecție filme documentare
Recital cameral
Recital de pian
Masterclass de interpretare pianistică
Expoziție de artă grafică și pictură
Cine-concert - Ligeti Meets TIFF
Concert de închidere a festivalului